Stalking, good character and unduly lenient sentences
16th Sep 2021
430-436 High Road, N17 9JB
Tel: 020 8808 0774
Martin Lee is a Criminal defence specialist focusing on defending serious fraud, related money laundering and subsequent confiscation and enforcement proceedings. In particular many of the most serious and complex cases brought by the Crown Prosecution Proceeds of Crime Unit, the Crown Prosecution Service Organised Crime Division, Serious Organised Crime Agency, Serious Fraud Office, City of London Police Fraud Unit, HM Revenue and Customs, Department of Work and Pensions, Local Authorities and the Financial Conduct Authority.
The areas of work covered include advising on Restraint proceedings and management receivership, Registration & enforcement of Overseas Restraint Orders, Advice on Investigations into Criminal proceeds, Money laundering, Civil recovery of the proceeds of unlawful conduct, Confiscation proceedings, Cash forfeiture, asset forfeiture, cash seizure & and detention of cash, Incompatibility with Convention Rights and Council Framework Decisions, Confiscation order enforcement proceedings and variations thereon, Serious Crime Prevention orders, advising third parties on provision of information orders.
Expertise in Account Freezing Orders and Account Forfeiture Orders arising out of the Criminal Finance Act 2017 – these are now being used as an alternative to pursuing a conviction and confiscation . Can you afford for your personal or business bank account to be frozen for a year at first instance ?
The first to be involved in confiscation orders pursuant to section 28 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 where subject to qualifying conditions an individual is neither convicted or acquitted , perhaps by staying out of the jurisdiction , but nevertheless confiscation bites.
Martin Lee can be contacted on 0207 842 8600 or via email to discuss how he together with other team members at EBR Attridge LLP may be of service.
Member of the British Academy of Forensic Sciences .
Member of the London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association.
War crimes
16th Sep 2021
11th Jan 2021
13th Feb 2019