EBR Attridge LLP Solicitors offer expert advice and assistance at any stage of the Extradition Process.
This is a complicated area of law whereby one country asks another to return a person in order to face trial or to serve a sentence if he/she has already been convicted for that offence.
The UK has extradition relations with over 100 territories around the world. The extradition process is largely governed by the Extradition Act 2003. The statutory bars to extradition include the following:
- Rules against double jeopardy
- Specialty
- Passage of time
- The requested persons age
- Whether the prosecution case against the accused is sufficiently advanced
The Judge must also take into consideration if the extradition would be disproportionate/incompatible with the requested person’s human rights. Legal arguments in relation to the requested person’s right to a family life (Article 8) and right to a fair trial (Article 6) are often raised in Extradition cases.
Whether you have been served with a European Arrest Warrant (category 1 territories under the Extradition Act) or with an Extradition Request (category 2 territories) an experienced lawyer at this firm will be able to represent you either at the initial stages of the process at the Magistrates’ Court or with an appeal to the Administrative Court or indeed any subsequent appeal to the Supreme Court. We work closely with experienced barristers who specialise in Extradition Law and a wide range of experts to provide reports on Human Rights issues.