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City of London
Ladan Sabahipour
Martin Lee
Nora Talbi
Gerry McDonald
Vince Reveglia
Warren Brazier
Javed Chughtai
Chandrakant Solanki
Sanah Butt
John Kinlough
Gayle Farrell
Steve Law
Krystle O’Donnell
Judith Kessie
Atiq Ghafoor
Bernie Duke
Tom Beynon
Oya Suleyman
Marcia Weise
Tom Kharran
Steve Garland
Davinder Virdi
John Opaluwa
Marcello Zoccarato
Olanrewaju Adeyinka
Our Articles
Case Studies
Our Articles
Operation Eider
Cutting Agents and Drugs Sentencing
Pre-recorded Evidence in Sexual Offence Cases
Serious Violence Reduction Orders - Do they work?
Crown Prosecution Service to decide on Letby re-trial
Police Powers & The Common Law
Child Cruelty - Sentencing Changes
Serious Violence Reduction Orders
Landfill Tax fraud & Waste Crime
Highly Dangerous Weapons & Sentencing
Barrister Strikes and Custody Time Limits
The Colston Statue - Will the acquittals be appealed?
DNA and biometric evidence
Sentencing Repeat Offenders
Stalking, good character and unduly lenient sentences
Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill
Detention of seized cash
New proposed sentencing guidelines - burglary
Stalking and Stalking Protection Orders
Assault sentencing guidelines
GPS Tags
Sentencing for Drugs Offences
Custody Time Limits & Young Defendants
Three strikes and the minimum sentence
It wasn't me!
Covert Human Intelligence Sources
Fighting for a Suspended Prison Sentence
Coronavirus and Custody Time Limits - Some Good News
Sexual Offences and the Issue of Consent
Modern Policing - Necessary Restraint or Unlawful Violence?
Increase in sentences for aggravation related to disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity
Trial Delays
Criminal Justice and Coronavirus
Circumstantial Evidence
12 Good Men or is it 14? Jury trials
Forensic evidence
Divided Loyalty Can Exact a High Price
Stop and Search
Drink or Drug Driving - The Second Sample
Firearms - Sentencing Reform
Walk this way-The development of Gait Analysis
The Cut-Throat Defence
Airports, Planes and Alcohol
To Air B and B or not to Air B and B-Subletting
Mobile Phones and Driving – The Latest Legal Position
Prison rehabilitation and employment
Data Protection - A Shifting Focus
Disqualified Directors
Why hasn’t Michael Gove been arrested?
Finn’s Law - What It Means
Private Prosecutions - 'Doing a Boris'
Release on Temporary Licence
Sentencing - Breaking the Code
On the Balance of Probabilities - But What Does That Mean?
Who Guards the Guards?
Speeding - How Fast is Too Fast?
Terrorism Laws Tightened
Are child-like sex dolls illegal?
Appeals from Beyond the Grave
Facilitating Tax Evasion
Knife Crime - Searching for Solutions
Money go Round
New Anti-Terrorism Powers
Pensions - Time to Rethink Corporate Responsibility
Causing Death by Dangerous Driving - Sentencing Issues
Voyeurism and 'Upskirting' - Government Acts to Strengthen Law
'You cant make me leave' -CPNs and enforcement
Plead in Haste, Regret at Leisure
A Simple Adjournment?
My past convictions coming back to haunt me?
Psychoactive Substances-The Review and Update
Drink Driving - The Reality
Stop and Search
Alexa – Witness for the Prosecution?
Can I get a suspended prison sentence
Wont they take a Section 20 he asked? The difference in GBH answered
Contempt of Court
Do I have to give the police my phone PIN?
Assaults on Emergency Workers
The cannibal drug that makes you smell of vinegar and prawns
Ben Stokes-The Route to Verdict
What to expect as a witness
It’s health and safety gone mad!
Dont go out with a 'Bang'
Organised Crime, Are you part of it?
“I’m Going to Kill You!”
Minimum Sentences and Exceptional Circumstances
Getting Tough on Breach of Court Orders
Environmental Agency Investigations and Penalties
To be Me or Not to be Me-Identification and the Law
But i had no choice!
Drugs Importation-The reality of it all!
Request for Driver Information
Sentencing Is Its Own Risky Business - The Hidden Penalty
For a man's house is his castle-The right to Self defence
Qc or not QC
Conveying Articles into Prison-The Consequences
Domestic Abuse Protections and Challenges
Your Solicitor-Your Choice to get it right
Knife Crime - Sentencing Changes
What Happens in Rome, May Not Stay in Rome
A Dog is for Life or is it!
A Finger on the Scales of Liberty?
Doctors In The Dock
The Effects of Unlawful Snooping
Revenge Porn Can Be an Expensive Business
Unexplained Wealth Orders-When it may be to good to be true
The Right to be Forgotten
When Bits to good to be true
The Prosecutor in Your Pocket
Reasonable Chastisement-The Facts
The Trouble with Your Tenants-Banning Orders
Confiscation-Money for Old Money
Disclosure-The Hidden Truth
Extradition-An informed Introduction
Domestic Violence Protection Notices
Drink Driving
Youth Crime and Investigations
Offender Rehabilitation Act
Appealing-The Puzzle resolved
Sex Offenders - Putting the Past Behind You
Cyber Crime-Criminal and Terrorist communications
Waste Not Want Not
Drones-The Dilemma
High-Risk Offenders - The Hidden Peril of Drink Driving
A Taxing Problem
Liar-The truth will out
Loss of "Self Control"-Defence to Murder?
Tainted Gifts
Operation Platon-DNA Miscarriage of Justice Investigation
Deferred Prosecution Agreements
Conspiracy to Import Class A
Sexual Offences
GBH with Intent
Conspiracy to Murder
Conspiracy to Defraud
Slavery and Human Trafficking
Money Laundering
Conspiracy to Import Class A
Sexual Assault
Trafficking for the Purposes of Sexual Exploitation
Unlawful Entry into the UK
Conspiracy to Steal
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City of London
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